Should DIY Screen Printers Get a Riley Hopkins 150 Press or a DIY Press?  |

Should DIY Screen Printers Get a Riley Hopkins 150 Press or a DIY Press?

Jacelyn Wedman
If you’re just starting your screen printing journey, you might be a little overwhelmed. With the sheer amount of equipment options available, there’s a lot to decide. Choosing which press to buy is the first and most important step of getting started. But which press should you buy? Let’s compare two beginner presses: the DIY press and the Riley Hopkins 150.
How Golden Press Studio Continues to Help New Shops Grow  |

How Golden Press Studio Continues to Help New Shops Grow

Jacelyn Wedman
Every screen printer’s journey is different. Whether you bought a shop set or created your own DIY equipment, getting off the ground is the hardest part of starting a screen printing business. Having a community of screen printers supporting you is essential; knowing someone is in your corner makes all the difference. The crew at Golden Press Studio believe in the power of community. They wanted to make a difference in the screen printing community by giving five shops a serious upgrade.
How Avila Design Co. Hustles for Success  |

How Avila Design Co. Hustles for Success

Jacelyn Wedman
If there’s one motto in the screen printing business, it’s “the hustle is real.” Many screen printers work seven days a week, operating shops in spare rooms, garages, and basements. If it’s your passion, the grind is worth it. With a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, your print shop grows and evolves. That’s what happened to Joey Avila, owner of Avila Design Co. His business in Fort Wayne, Indiana, took off with some help from a friend and his constant hustling.
Riley Hopkins Presses: Screen Printing Equipment Built like Race Cars  |

Riley Hopkins Presses: Screen Printing Equipment Built like Race Cars

Jacelyn Wedman
Riley Hopkins presses have been a staple in the screen printing industry for decades. How did the brand start? Who is the man behind the wheel of the machine that fuels your drive? Strap in: you’re about to find out. 
Why & How Riley Hopkins Screen Printing Presses are Locally Manufactured  |

Why Riley Hopkins Screen Printing Presses are Locally Manufactured

Jacelyn Wedman
Riley Hopkins presses have jumpstarted thousands of printers' careers. Considered top tier for manual screen printing equipment, a Riley Hopkins press is built to last. All presses are built on-demand in Vancouver, WA. But how do you build a press by hand? Is it really better? Production Manager Tim Alden walks through the process of constructing a Riley Hopkins press and shares the benefits of investing in hand-built presses.
The Race Starts Here With an Equipment Only Package  |

The Race Starts Here With an Equipment Only Package

Jacelyn Wedman
Sometimes it’s best to start with the basics. If you like the freedom of choosing your own supplies but don’t want the hassle of picking big-ticket items, or you’re not sure what to buy for your shop, check out the equipment only packages. In just a couple of clicks, you’ll be ready to go. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to upgrade, do it with the right equipment. 
How Golden Press Studio Powered the Print within the Screen Printing Community  |

How Golden Press Studio Powered the Print within the Screen Printing Community

Sage Larson

When screen printer Jonathan Overmyer was scrolling through posts on the Rogue Printers Facebook Group one night, a post stopped him in his tracks. A new printer in Fort Wayne, Indiana, a few hours away from his shop, was washing out screens in a car wash. 

That night, Jonathan decided he wanted to change that printer's life.

How to Create a 5 Color Print Using 3 Colors  |

How to Create a 5 Color Print Using 3 Colors

Sage Larson
There may be a time when a customer requests a multicolor print that requires more colors than your press can handle. Luckily, you have a few tricks you can do to make it work. Screen printing expert Colin Huggins will walk through creating the artwork for the print and how to set it up on press.
Which Screen Printing Press is Right for Me?  |

Which Screen Printing Press is Right for Me?

Sage Larson
The screen printing market has an abundance of screen printing presses. All these presses have different features, abilities, and prices. You want to make sure you're getting the right press for your goals and your customers' needs. How do you even begin to choose?
The New Riley Hopkins 150 Press is Here!  |

The New Riley Hopkins 150 Press is Here!

Sage Larson
Ryonet is here for all printers, no matter where they are in their journey. We're excited to help printers continue #poweringtheprint with the brand new Riley Hopkins 150 Press.