How Adobe Illustrator’s New Mock-Up Beta Tool is Saving the Screenprinter’s Time  |

How Adobe Illustrator’s New Mock-Up Beta Tool is Saving the Screenprinter’s Time

Kylie Waltz
The mock-up of a design is one of the (dare I say it) most important tools used to sell designs on t-shirts. It can be difficult to imagine how something will look on a shirt without the image.
How to Print Your Own Custom Boxes  |

How to Print Your Own Custom Boxes

Josh Valencia
Why bother customizing the boxes you ship garments in? It's actually a small, but significant way to stand out from the crowd and look incredibly professional. That package is the customer's first impression of your business, why not make it a good one? Luckily, it's fairly easy to print on cardboard boxes. Rogue Lab Owner Lee Stuart breaks down every step of the process — from creating the artwork to curing the ink — so you can customize your own boxes effortlessly. 
Screen Printing Art In Action  |

Screen Printing Art In Action

Josh Valencia
This week, we've been scouting social media for the coolest screen printing projects/content out there, and we're amazed by what we've found. But we know you're also creating incredible stuff in your shop, and we want to showcase your hard work.
Tips to Printing on Waterproof Garments with Wilflex Epic Hugger Catalyst  |

The Secret to Printing on Waterproof Nylon Garments

Sage Larson
Printing on nylon is a struggle. Many variables and differences in the material can make print jobs difficult. Once you get the process right, it’s a cinch. Jonathan Overmeyer at Golden Press Studio walks through how to print on nylon windbreakers using their original shirt design.
How to Protect Your Artwork From Copyright Infringement  |

How to Protect Your Artwork From Copyright Infringement

Jacelyn Wedman
Screen printers are artists. Bringing a design from concept to garment is an artistic process. That art deserves to be protected. What’s worse than seeing a design you worked hard on get ripped off, and not being able to do anything about it? There’s a solution to protect your artwork: get it copyrighted. It seems daunting, but the process can help you protect your work.
What is Copyright Infringement and Why Does it Matter to Screen Printers?  |

What is Copyright Infringement and Why Does it Matter to Screen Printers?

Jacelyn Wedman
Copyright infringement can happen to anyone. Say a client asks you to print a design of a cup of coffee with the Starbucks logo on it. You may think it’s no big deal and grab its logo online and slap it on a t-shirt. A few months later, a cease and desist letter or email comes to you. Guess what? That Starbucks logo is copyrighted. Navigating copyrights is a bit tricky. Let’s dive in and define copyright and copyright infringement. Then we’ll see how it relates to screen printers.
A Crash Course in Halftones for Screen Printing  |

A Crash Course in Halftones for Screen Printing

Jacelyn Wedman
Halftones are utilized in many screen print shops. They create crazy details that can be screen printed onto a garment. But what are halftones exactly? How are they created? Let’s dive in and find out.
The Screen Printing Equipment Every Water-Based Printer Needs  |

The Screen Printing Equipment Every Water-Based Printer Needs

Jacelyn Wedman

Water-based printing takes a few different pieces of equipment and a bit of know-how. When printing with water-based ink, the water in the ink needs to evaporate in order for the ink to cure. This may seem challenging, but it’s a cinch with the proper tools. Let’s talk about the tools needed to print with water-based ink. 

Tips for Adding Many FN-INKâ„¢ Specialties into the Same Design  |

Tips for Adding Many FN-INKâ„¢ Specialties into the Same Design

Jacelyn Wedman
With seven new specialty inks from FN-INK™, there’s a lot to explore. Gold, silver, puff, extender base, and many other inks and additives all create different awesome effects. With so much to experiment with, why not try to add as many specialty inks in one design as possible? Print expert Colin Huggins is on the case.
Why Live Printing? PRNT SCRN Screen Printing Weighs In  |

Why Live Printing? PRNT SCRN Screen Printing Weighs In

Jacelyn Wedman
Live printing: some printers love it, others don’t. Doing live printing takes a little bit of bravery and a whole lot of preparation. So why should you do live printing? What’s so great about it? Josh Dykstra, the owner of PRNT SCRN Screen Printing, discusses his experience in live screen printing.
A Guide to Creating an Underbase in Adobe Illustrator  |

A Guide to Creating an Underbase in Adobe Illustrator

Sage Larson
Creating an underbase for your art is important to make sure your design comes out as clean and vibrant as you imagined it. Want to know how to do it? Screen Printing Expert Colin Huggins walks you through the process of creating the white underbase in Adobe Illustrator.
How to Get the Perfect Pocket or Left Chest Print Placement on Any Press  |

How to Get the Perfect Pocket or Left Chest Print Placement on Any Press

Jacelyn Wedman

Placing pocket prints or left chest prints perfectly on a shirt can be tough. You don't want the print to end up in the armpit or on the neckline of the shirt. With a little bit of planning and know-how, this doesn’t have to be stressful. Here’s how to get the perfect left chest placement on press every time.