Best Practices for Cleaning Ink Off Screens  |

Best Practices for Cleaning Ink Off Screens

Jacelyn Wedman
Screen cleanup: satisfying when done right, frustrating when hiccups happen. It’s a simple process, but there are nuances to properly cleaning your screens that will keep them cleaner and make them last longer. Colin Huggins is an expert at screen cleanup, and offers a few tips on the process.

5 Steps to Prevent Dust Build-Up On Automatic Presses

Kaitlyn Ingram

Do you own a ROQ automatic press? If you do have one of these amazing pieces of equipment in your shop, you’re going to want to make sure you protect your investment. Even if you keep a clean working environment, and adhere to proper maintenance cycles for the internal workings of the press—there’s still the […]

Screen Printing Tip: Clean and Organize Your Shop

AR Department

A clean and organized shop can save you some bucks.

The holiday madness is over and, like a rockstar, you managed to bust out all your print deadlines. You’ve feasted like kings and queens. You spent enough money to clothe a small village. So what now? How about strategizing and planning out the new year for your shop. Have you considered shop cleanliness and organization? Did you know that maintaining a clean and well organized shop can actually save you money?!!?