What a Screen Drying Cabinet Does for Your Darkroom  | Screenprinting.com

What a Screen Drying Cabinet Does for Your Darkroom

Jacelyn Wedman
To create a stellar print, you need a solid screen. Using high-quality emulsion and dialing in exposure times help, but it's a fraction of what's needed. Your darkroom matters. One major update to make in your darkroom is to invest in a drying cabinet. It’s the perfect screen drying environment, equipped with everything you need to dry screens better. Let’s talk about how a drying cabinet can increase your darkroom’s potential and make your screen prep process that much easier.
The Basics of Mixing Emulsion & Coating a Screen  | Screenprinting.com

Screen Coating Basics Live Stream

Jacelyn Wedman
Every screen print starts in the darkroom, and every screen starts with a good coat of emulsion. Follow along as darkroom expert Colin Huggins walks through the basics of mixing dual cure emulsion and coating screens.
Use Scrap Wood to Create a DIY Emulsion Coating Stand in 5 Steps  | Screenprinting.com

Use Scrap Wood to Create a DIY Emulsion Coating Stand in 5 Steps

Jacelyn Wedman
Coating a screen is important to create the perfect base layer for a great print. Accomplishing this task can be done in a couple of different ways. You can coat screens by supporting the screen on the floor or creating a coating stand. Want to create a DIY coating stand? Here’s how to get it done.
What Baselayr Plastisol Emulsion Does for Your Shop  | Screenprinting.com

What Baselayr Plastisol Emulsion Does for Your Shop

Jacelyn Wedman
Many printers exclusively use plastisol ink. If this sounds like you, check out Baselayr Plastisol emulsion. The high performance emulsion will streamline production by exposing faster, rinsing out quicker, and reclaiming with less effort. Want to get the most from this emulsion? Expert Colin Huggins walks through proper exposure methods and coating techniques to elevate your dark room.
Why Advanced Printers Need to Use Baselayr Complete Emulsion and How to Use It  | Screenprinting.com

Why Advanced Printers Need to Use Baselayr Complete Emulsion and How to Use It

Jacelyn Wedman
Advanced screen printers. High production print shops. We’re talking to you. If you’re pushing the limits of your emulsion, check out Baselayr Complete. Wondering how it'll work in your screen print shop? Screen printing expert Colin Huggins addresses what kind of darkroom you need for this emulsion, guidelines for coating screens, and tips for capturing even more detail. 

Saati ProCoat Dual Screen Auto Coater

Kaitlyn Ingram

If you’re part of a larger shop, or even if you’re still getting there, then the idea of coating 400-500 screens in an 8-hourt shift at a 2/1 coat must sound like a dream. The good news is that this dream can be real with the Saati ProCoat Dual Screen Auto Coater. This beast of […]

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