How to Print Your Own Custom Boxes  |

How to Print Your Own Custom Boxes

Josh Valencia
Why bother customizing the boxes you ship garments in? It's actually a small, but significant way to stand out from the crowd and look incredibly professional. That package is the customer's first impression of your business, why not make it a good one? Luckily, it's fairly easy to print on cardboard boxes. Rogue Lab Owner Lee Stuart breaks down every step of the process — from creating the artwork to curing the ink — so you can customize your own boxes effortlessly. 
Best Practices when Printing Multi-Color Posters with Water-Based Ink  |

Best Practices when Printing Multi-Color Posters with Water-Based Ink

Jacelyn Wedman
Ever looked around at your walls and thought “This could use some pizzazz?” Screen printing professional Jamie is with you. The walls of her print studio were bland and boring. Why not print some posters to liven things up? Printing on posters takes a little bit of a different skill set than printing on t-shirts. You’ll need different squeegees, a different platen setup, and a unique curing method.
Celebrating Earth Day with Eco-Conscious Screen Printing  |

Celebrating Earth Day with Eco-Conscious Screen Printing

Jacelyn Wedman
The screen printing industry isn’t known for its eco-friendly practices. But there are some ways that screen printers everywhere can do a little better for their shop and environment. Ryan Moor, CEO and founder of Ryonet, believes in the power of helping the environment and the community one t-shirt at a time. That’s why we chose to screen print volunteer shirts using water-based ink for a great organization just around the corner from our Vancouver, Washington, warehouse. 
What Is Water Based Ink in Screen Printing?  |

What Is Water Based Ink in Screen Printing?

Jacelyn Wedman


What is water-based ink? What makes it a desirable ink for screen printers? The basic answer is that water-based ink uses water as a base. Seems pretty self-explanatory, right? There’s a lot more to know about water-based ink than just the base itself. Let’s dive in and talk about what water-based ink is and how printers can get the most out of it. 

The Screen Printing Equipment Every Water-Based Printer Needs  |

The Screen Printing Equipment Every Water-Based Printer Needs

Jacelyn Wedman

Water-based printing takes a few different pieces of equipment and a bit of know-how. When printing with water-based ink, the water in the ink needs to evaporate in order for the ink to cure. This may seem challenging, but it’s a cinch with the proper tools. Let’s talk about the tools needed to print with water-based ink. 

Do More with Water Based Ink Using 3 New Specialty Additives  |

Do More with Water Based Ink Using 3 New Specialty Additives

Jacelyn Wedman
Green Galaxy Water-Based inks are sustainable, friendly to the printer and planet, and economically priced. There are tons of options for specialty printing with these High-Solids acrylics (HSA) inks: puffgoldsilver, and more. Starting now, there are even more printers that can do with Green Galaxy inks. Make ink keep vibrancy, stretch further and stay wet on press longer with three new specialty additives. 
The Best Way to Register Water-Based and Plastisol Screen Prints  |

The Best Way to Register Water-Based and Plastisol Screen Prints

Jacelyn Wedman
Registering a print is a vital piece of the screen printing process. Printers need to make sure that all screens align with each other and have the proper placement on a shirt. Let’s take a look at properly registering single and multicolor prints with plastisol and water-based ink.
Got Coffee? Here’s How to Screen Print With It  |

Got Coffee? Here’s How to Screen Print With It

Jacelyn Wedman
Have you ever wanted to screen print with food? Ever looked down into your morning coffee and thought “I bet I could print with this”? Ronald Peters decided to give coffee ink a shot (get it?). He used techniques from natural dyeing processes, got a little creative with his own mix, and tried screen printing with coffee.
3 Easy Steps To Screen Print On Wood  |

3 Easy Steps To Screen Print On Wood

Jacelyn Wedman

Screen printing doesn’t have to just be about printing t-shirts. You can print on just about anything with the right tools and process. One unique material to print on is wood. It’s a fun process that can make you stand out from the pack as a screen printer. Want to know how to do it? Here’s a step-by-step guide to screen printing on wood.

How to Start Water-Based Printing  |

How to Start Water-Based Printing

Jacelyn Wedman
Water-based ink is becoming more and more popular. With more shops turning to greener methods, printing with water-based ink can be nicer on the environment and your health. Many printers believe that water-based printing is more challenging than printing with plastisol. If you step into it the right way, water-based printing can actually be easier and save you time and money. 
Is Water Based Printing Right For You?  |

Is Water Based Printing Right For You?

Sage Larson
Intrigued by water-based inks? Water-based inks are great because they feel so soft on the garment and simple to print basic jobs, but it becomes challenging when printing complex art and it requires more legwork. Whether you’re ready for a new challenge or you received a request from a customer, printing with water-based inks is a whole new ball game compared to printing plastisol inks. Ink master Colin Huggins has shared helpful knowledge you need to know about water-based printing to help you decide if it’s right for you.
How to Do Eco-Friendly Screen Printing  |

How to Do Eco-Friendly Screen Printing

Sage Larson

Let’s face it. Screen printing is dirty, messy, and toxic at times. From the chemicals, garment manufacturers, chemical waste, to water pollution, screen printing has a long road ahead to becoming eco-friendly. Implementing greener practices seems challenging and expensive, but that’s not the case. 

Our choices matter. Let’s look at ways screen printers can implement environmentally friendly products and processes in their shops.