How You Can Make a T-Shirt Design in Procreate  |

How You Can Make a T-Shirt Design in Procreate

Sage Larson
Have a ton of great t-shirt ideas but don't know how to design them? Graphic Designer Cory Romesier of Golden Press Studio will walk you through how you can create your own design in Procreate. He'll share helpful insights about Procreate, tricks you can utilize to take the design to the next level, and how to mock it up on a shirt. Check it out.
Everything You Need to Know about Building Your Own DIY Dry Box  |

Everything You Need to Know about Building Your Own DIY Dry Box

Jacelyn Wedman
Whether you’ve just coated screens with emulsion, cleaned them up, or reclaimed them for a new job, having a safe, storing those screens in a dry environment is important to the process. Finding the perfect space for those screens may be complicated. Why not build your own? Darkroom guru Colin Huggins shows you how to create a dry box to keep those screens safe and get them to dry faster.
How to Use Photo Compositing to Make a Template in Procreate  |

How to Use Photo Compositing to Make a Template in Procreate

Jacelyn Wedman
The dreaded blank document. All that white space, waiting to be filled with all those ideas floating in your head. But where do you even begin? To make those ideas a reality, give photo compositing a try. Golden Press Studio’s Art Director Cory Romeiser walks you through the process of choosing and layering elements from photos to create an original design in Procreate.
4 Tips to Prevent Pinholes and Fisheyes  |

4 Tips to Prevent Pinholes and Fisheyes

Jacelyn Wedman
You’ve coated a screen for screen printing, exposed it, and rinsed it out. You might notice tiny holes in the screen where there shouldn’t be. Why is this? In this video, Ronald Peters touches on why pinholes and fisheyes happen, and gives tips to stop them before they cause problems on your screen. 
5 Essential Gestures to Know when Designing in Procreate  |

5 Essential Gestures to Know when Designing in Procreate

Jacelyn Wedman
Knowing the tricks of the trade helps screen printers fine-tune their process. When learning something new, figuring things out on your own can be time-consuming and frustrating. Procreate, the most popular drawing software on the market, has a lot of features that may pass you by. Here are five essential gestures that will improve your Procreate experience.
How to Get the Best Compression on an Exposure Unit with no Lid  |

How to Get the Best Compression on an Exposure Unit with no Lid

Jacelyn Wedman
Eliminating the space between your exposure unit glass, your film, and your emulsion is key to capture the most details on a burned screen. If you have an exposure unit without a lid, knowing how to apply compression correctly is especially important. Let’s go over the proper technique to get a good screen with a compression exposure unit every time. 
4 Easy Steps to Turn Any Color into a Pantone Color  |

4 Easy Steps to Turn Any Color into a Pantone Color

Jacelyn Wedman
Mixing custom colors is a must for many printers, and creating those colors starts with the artwork. If the colors of your artwork don’t match the colors on press, you may have some unhappy clients. Golden Press Studio’s Art Director Cory Romeiser shows you how to turn any color into a Pantone color with Adobe® Illustrator in four simple steps.
Why Printers Need to Master Adobe Illustrator for Screen Printing  |

Why Printers Need to Master Adobe Illustrator for Screen Printing

Jacelyn Wedman
Screen printing starts with the artwork. You need high-quality artwork to get a high-quality print. To get a clean, pristine design, you need to know how to use Adobe® Illustrator. Depending on your experience and know-how, you might be finding Illustrator a bit daunting. With our new, free Adobe® Illustrator course, taught by Golden Press Studio’s art director Cory Romeiser, you can learn to tackle any design in Adobe® Illustrator. 
Why Screen Printers Should Learn Procreate  |

Why Screen Printers Should Learn Procreate

Jacelyn Wedman

Tons of screen printers have been using Adobe® Illustrator to create designs for prints. It’s necessary to know how to use it. But wouldn’t it be easier if you could just sketch out ideas, hone them in, and then finalize them to be printed? That’s where Procreate comes in. The Apple app makes the sketching and concepting process simple. If you’ve never used it before, check out the new Designing in Procreate course. Golden Press Studio’s Art Director Cory Romeiser will teach you the ins and outs of the program so you can start making rad art.

Unlock Any Color with the FN-INKâ„¢ Plastisol Ink Mixing System  |

Unlock Any Color with the FN-INKâ„¢ Plastisol Ink Mixing System

Sage Larson

Do you have FN-INK™ on your shelves? If you do, you’re looking at an ink mixing system. 

That’s right. The classic line of FN-INK™ now doubles as a mixing system. 

3 Tips to Master Hand Lettering  |

3 Tips to Master Hand Lettering

Jacelyn Wedman
Hand lettering is a great way to take your designs one step further. It takes a lot of practice to master the trade. Golden Press Studio’s graphic designer Cory Romeiser walks through the basics of hand lettering and gives three helpful tips to help level up your lettering style.
How to Choose the Proper Squeegee Blade Durometer  |

How to Choose the Proper Squeegee Blade Durometer

Colin Huggins
Some squeegees are harder, some feel softer. Why is that? Squeegees have different durometers. Durometers measure the hardness of the blades. Specific print jobs require harder or softer blades. Let's learn about the different durometers, their uses, and how to maintain them.