Tips for Registering a Challenging 4-Color Print on a Press Without Micros  |

Tips for Registering a Challenging 4-Color Print on a Press Without Micros

Jacelyn Wedman
Printing multi-color designs is a skill all printers need. White single-color prints are a screen printer’s bread and butter. A multi-color design takes skill, tight registration, and a bit of patience. Generally, printers use presses with micro-registration to help them get the best registration possible without a headache. A press without micros can get the job done, too. Print enthusiast, Jamie wanted to push the limits of the Riley Hopkins 150 4x1 press with a 4-color blended design.

Clear Choice Screen Registration Tape

Ryonet Marketing

In this busy world of screen printing so many products exist to help you be more efficient and, by extension, make your screen printing world run smoother. The Ryonet team is happy to announce we've got something new to add to your list of favorite-life-improving products!!!