If You Had to Pick One, Which Would You Choose: A Flash Unit or Tabletop Conveyor Dryer?  | Screenprinting.com

If You Had to Pick One, Which Would You Choose: A Flash Unit or Tabletop Conveyor Dryer?

Jacelyn Wedman
As much as a new business owner may wish and strive for it, not all have a budget to cover all their startup expenses. So, decisions have to be made and creative solutions have to be discovered. New screen printers may find themselves in this dilemma. Sometimes, they might have to pick one piece of equipment over another, like deciding between a conveyor dryer and a flash dryer. How do you know which is the better investment? Well, it depends on what you want to do. Here are three factors to consider to help you decide which is better for your shop.
Best Practices for Setting Up Shop in Your Garage  | Screenprinting.com

The Best Way to Set up a Screen Print Shop in a Garage

Sage Larson

Tons of print shops start off in basements, spare rooms, and garages. Think about it, they're already investing a good chunk of cash into purchasing the equipment and supplies, why not set up shop in a space they have already paid for? 

Print expert Darryl Sapp shares his past experiences of working in a garage shop, offering best practices to make the most efficient workflow in the space you have. 

Control Print Shop Temperature with these 3 Tips  | Screenprinting.com

Control Print Shop Temperature with these 3 Tips

Jacelyn Wedman
Temperatures in screen print shops can get uncomfortable. Whether you’re sweating in the summer or shivering in the winter, controlling the temperature in your shop makes a big difference. There are plenty of ways to keep your shop’s temperature comfortable, from venting conveyor dryers to simply opening a window. Let’s dive in.
How Heritage Press Takes Calculated Risks to Turn Creativity into Capital  | Screenprinting.com

How Heritage Press Takes Risks to Turn Creativity into Capital

Jacelyn Wedman
In 2020, the United States saw a record amount of new businesses opening their doors. 4.4 million businesses started up at the height of the pandemic, a 24% increase from 2019. Screen printing shops played a big role in this small business boom. Trey Woodward, the owner of Heritage Press, is one of them, opening his doors in October 2020. His print shop in Lubbock, Texas, has blown up in the 18 months since Trey started screen printing.
How Aesthetic Imprints Turned a High School Hobby into a Full-Time Business  | Screenprinting.com

How Aesthetic Imprints Turned a High School Hobby into Full Business

Jacelyn Wedman

Go back to your childhood for a moment. What did you dream of doing with your life? Did you want to become an astronaut, or maybe a dinosaur trainer? Well, for Bhavik Dhanak, that dream was to own a clothing brand. He wanted to print his own designs, and started to learn screen printing through YouTube. 

When he entered high school, he started getting more serious. Aesthetic Imprints, based in Frederick, Maryland, was born in early 2017, during Bhavik’s senior year of high school. Yeah, you read that right. Bhavik is now a 22-year-old print hustler who’s been screen printing since he was 16 years old. Starting a business as a teenager isn’t easy, but Bhavik didn’t let that stop him from day one.

The Race Starts Here With an Equipment Only Package  | Screenprinting.com

The Race Starts Here With an Equipment Only Package

Jacelyn Wedman
Sometimes it’s best to start with the basics. If you like the freedom of choosing your own supplies but don’t want the hassle of picking big-ticket items, or you’re not sure what to buy for your shop, check out the equipment only packages. In just a couple of clicks, you’ll be ready to go. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to upgrade, do it with the right equipment.Â