A Checklist of Equipment & Supplies Needed to Start Screen Print Shop  | Screenprinting.com

A Checklist of Equipment & Supplies Needed to Start Screen Print Shop

Josh Valencia
Ready to start screen printing? It's a big jump, but it's so worth it. To build your shop, you will need to obtain some equipment and supplies. Our Sales and Success Team put together a handy check list of everything you should consider investing in your future shop.
Everything Screen Printers Need to Know About Squeegees  | Screenprinting.com

Everything Screen Printers Need to Know About Squeegees

Jacelyn Wedman

No matter what you print on, every screen printer uses a squeegee. There are wood squeegees, aluminum squeegees, small squeegees, large squeegees, and the list goes on. With so many options, there’s a squeegee for every kind of printer. Which one is for you? Here’s everything you need to know about squeegees.

A Crash Course in Choosing Proper Scoop Coater & Squeegee Sizing for a Job  | Screenprinting.com

A Crash Course in Choosing Proper Scoop Coater & Squeegee Sizing for a Job

Jacelyn Wedman
Size matters in screen printing. But it’s not just about how big your press or conveyor is. The sizing of all your equipment and supplies is important, even down to squeegees and scoop coaters. If you’re having issues when coating screens or getting a good print, it might not be your technique. You might just not have properly sized supplies for the job. So what size scoop coater and squeegees should you use? What can happen if you don’t use the right size? Let’s find out. 
The Tools Needed for Oversized Prints  | Screenprinting.com

The Tools Needed for Oversized Prints

Sage Larson

Screen printing is a creative industry, where the only limit is your imagination. Well, not the only thing: sometimes it’s the equipment. Have you ever wanted to print a design on the entire back of a t-shirt, but didn’t have the right equipment or supplies to pull it off? Oversized prints are bold and draw attention no matter what you print. But in order to do it right, you need the right tools. Let’s take a look at what oversized prints are and how to print them properly.

Should you Push or Pull a Squeegee when Screen Printing?  | Screenprinting.com

Should you Push or Pull a Squeegee when Screen Printing?

Jacelyn Wedman
Push or pull a squeegee… Many, many screen printers have a strong preference between the two. But really, which technique is better? Both are useful to screen printers for different reasons. Screen printing expert Josh Wells covers the benefits of pulling and pushing.
Check out the Baddest-Looking Squeegee on the Planet: The EZ Grip—Lee Stuart Edition  | Screenprinting.com

Check out the Baddest-Looking Squeegee on the Planet: The EZ Grip—Lee Stuart Edition

Jacelyn Wedman
Do your wrists hurt after long print jobs? There’s a fix for that. Meet the new, exclusive, EZ Grip Squeegee from Lee Stuart. It’s got everything p...
How to Choose the Proper Squeegee Blade Durometer  | Screenprinting.com

How to Choose the Proper Squeegee Blade Durometer

Colin Huggins
Some squeegees are harder, some feel softer. Why is that? Squeegees have different durometers. Durometers measure the hardness of the blades. Specific print jobs require harder or softer blades. Let's learn about the different durometers, their uses, and how to maintain them.

Squeegee Comparison: Ergo Force Handle vs. Wooden Handle

Alex Castrillo

It's almost Friday... which means it's almost the weekend... can we get a WOOOOT WOOOOT?!!!?

Ryonet's own Luke Ryerkerk was recently caught on camera discussing a comparison between two types of sqeegee handles, the Ergo Force handle and a wooden handle... it's a good detail to consider. Really.

The post Squeegee Comparison: Ergo Force Handle vs. Wooden Handle appeared first on Ryonet Blog.